About Us

The MENA Alliance for Digital Rights is a coordination network whose purpose is to facilitate the work of organizations and individuals active in the field of online rights and freedoms.

The Alliance has been formed in a climate of tight restrictions on online rights and freedoms in the MENA region and amid shrinking spaces for free speech in the digital world and limited internet access.

Our Vision

Our vision is for a digital world where all humanity can thrive, and where diversity and creativity flourishes.

Support rights and freedoms and promote free cyberspace that is open to everyone without any form of discrimination.


The MENA Alliance for Digital Rights is committed to defending the rights and liberties of internet users in the Arab world. In this context, the Alliance is working towards achieving the following objectives:

Enable oposing voices in MENA region

 Allowing opposing factions in the region to voice their opinion free from the threats of censorship and retaliation.

Support of stakeholders

Promoting policies related to online rights and freedoms. – Developing frameworks to confront the deteriorating human rights situation.

Community cooperation

Supporting our network of stakeholders through cross-community cooperation.

Expose and publish information

Publishing the latest news and developments in the field to keep our members up-to-date on what’s happening in the region.

Principles and Values

A free and open internet

The internet is a free and open space for everyone to express their opinions without any restrictions.


Solidarity as a value and practice between individuals and organizations in the MENA region as a way to achieve freedom and equality.

Accepting diversity and participation

The Alliance believes in diversity and participation and in coordinating its activities between all members equally and without discrimination.

Accountability and transparency

The Alliance adopts the principles of accountability and transparency in its work, between its members, and when implementing any of its activities.

Good governance

The Alliance believes in good governance as a principle to manage and coordinate its activities, make internal decisions, and take stances.

Our Members









Mnemonic works globally to help human rights defenders effectively use digital documentation of human rights violations and international crimes to...

Digital Action

Digital Action

Since 2019, Digital Action has been mobilizing a global network of partners to demand better standards from the governments and...



Go to the wesbite: Kandoo

Article 19

Article 19

ARTICLE 19 envisions a world in which all people can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without...

ALQST for Human Rights

ALQST for Human Rights

FrontLine Defenders

FrontLine Defenders

Front Line Defenders (FLD) is an international human rights organisation founded in Dublin in 2001, with the specific aim of...

Jordan Open Source Association

Jordan Open Source Association

The Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA) is a non-profit organisation based in Amman, Jordan. The association is among the few...

7amleh – The Arab Center for The Advancement of Social Media, Palestine

7amleh – The Arab Center for The Advancement of Social Media, Palestine

7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media is a non-profit organization that advocates for Palestinian digital...

Iraqi Network for Social Media

Iraqi Network for Social Media

Go to the website: INSM



Access Now defends and extends the digital rights of people and communities at risk. Go to the website: Access Now

Masaar-Technology and Law Community

Masaar-Technology and Law Community

We are a group of lawyers and technologists interested in enhancing and promoting digital rights and related freedoms in Egypt....

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF...



We advance digital rights in the West Asia and North Africa region through research, campaigns, and advocacy. We encourage users...

The Gulf Center for Human Rights (GCHR)

The Gulf Center for Human Rights (GCHR)

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) is an independent, non-profit NGO founded in 2011 that provides support and protection...